Arthur the Brave Rhino

About the Author

Arthur the Brave Rhino Author

Author :  Nadine Ash
Category : Children’s Adventure
Print : Amazon KDP
Publisher : Amazon KDP

Nadine Ash, author of Arthur the Brave Rhino in her own words.

I was a young English girl when I first moved to South Africa with my family, excited and unsure as to what the future might hold. I was blessed with experiencing the fantastic wildlife that the country has to offer everywhere. I loved the energy that filled your soul from the people and the flora and fauna that shared the South African soil. It shaped my appreciation for the natural beauty around me and my love for nature.

Life took me away from South Africa, as I pursued a career in professional golf as a young adult, but I returned several years ago as a woman with a family of my own. I was again blessed to share my wonderment with my husband and son. My husband, Jesse Moussa, fell in love with the beauty of Africa and discovered his own connection with one of the Big Five: the rhino. He had met up with Petronel Nieuwoudt, the founder of “Care For Wild Rhino Sanctuary” and his connection to the desperate plight of these magnificent animals to survive the rampant poaching for their horn, led him to the idea for a children’s book. He wanted to spark an awareness in the hearts of families to appreciate and try to preserve such an incredible being in our world. He had been encouraging me to write a children’s book for years, and so with the stories shared from the rhino farm about the little orphan rhinos, and an outline Jesse created, I wrote this book with him. Their stories tear at your heartstrings and the loss of rhinos in the world would be devastating. They once numbered in the hundreds of thousands and now are now on the endangered  species list.  The story of  ‘Arthur the Brave Rhino’ gave us hope that maybe if enough people stand together we can stop this incredible injustice from continuing.

I hope you and your children will enjoy Arthur’s story as I have told it and that the rhino will find a special place in your heart too.


Have a Glimpse Inside

Excerpt from the Book

Mmmm, I am hungry and thirsty mama. When will I start grazing the grasslands too?
asked the little rhino quizzically.

“A little before your 2nd birthday my son. Until then, I will give you all you need.”
she assured him.

As they came to the rise of the hill, they could see the antelope herds on the grassy plain.
The little rhino was so excited to see Sam and his mummy, Winnie, ahead of him, that he picked up his pace to get to them.

The breeze blew like waves across the grass and the rhinos and wildebeest existed in perfect harmony enjoying the lush vegetation and their safety in numbers.

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Arthur the brave rhino

Arthur the brave rhino

Readers Write

I am a vegan veterinarian and have been so for 26 years. In my eyes all animals are equally important. I believe this book will be both entertaining and educational for children as they learn about the value of treating the different species of animals in the world with the respect that they deserve. When I read this book it brought tears to my eyes.

Dr. Radica Raj

Sharing this heart-felt story of Arthur the Brave Rhino with our children builds belief that “We can make a difference.” 

It opens conversations within families, surrounding empowerment, compassion and positive intention.

A wonderful account of the need for more loving awareness that we all can relate to.

Karen Pritchard
Early Childhood Educator

Absolutely adorable! Every school on earth should have these beautiful books!

Miraj Mišeli Ahmet

Awesome book. Arthur’s story is so heartbreaking & hope-making thanx to the Care for Wild angels. So glad his story is being told.

Summer Solsti